...to love myself.
...to treat myself gently, with patience and respect.
...to accept responsibility for every aspect of my life.

...to be present, awake, aware.
...to be open to possibility.
...to leap with the intention of landing.
...to do amazing things.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Pound for Pound

The vacation weight is coming off. It's been a difficult week of trying to stay off the scale and stay focused, making good choices and being aware of what and why I'm eating, not drinking too many calories and drinking enough water.

But the pounds are coming off. This morning I weighed in at what I had the morning of my lowest consecutive weight. Now it's a matter of seeing it three days in a row. Or not...maybe it will keep going down.

I was pretty desperate to get the weight back off, but soon realized that a year post-op is a lot different than a month. Losing weight really isn't a given anymore. It helps that you don't have a grumbling stomach and it's a lot easier to load up on water. That's about it.

So I simply went back to basics. Protein shake every morning. Sensible lunch. Sensible dinner. Controlled snacking. Sounds like a Special K commercial.

I've heard of some post-ops so desperate to continue losing weight that they forgo eating regular food and stick to an extremely limited and rather unbalanced diet--or resort to frequent enemas. Sure, stick a hose and a quart of water up your butt to lose a half pound.

I think those behaviors are just as screwed up as mine. Hey, I'm not judging. I think I'm at least to a point where I can see how my eating behaviors are screwed up. And that, my friends, is the point at which you can at least try to change them.

Wish me luck. Again.


Too Fat To Fly... said...

Glad to hear that you are back on track with your eating :-)

Still, what are vacations for, if not to relax the 'usual' routine for a while?

Hope all is well with you otherwise!

Lins x

PS: Finally finished 'The Historian' - not sure whether I enjoyed it or not, LOL. Sure was hard going! Quite disappointed with it to be honest...

Amazlilith said...

Your back on track and that is the best thing. :)

Aussieabroad said...

You have written what I am most afraid of..not being able to fix the behaviours that made me fat.

Good for you for reining it in - I hope I can be as strong when my turn comes

Mamato2boys said...

You don't need luck sweets! You have the tools and the knowledge and you will do fabulous! I am sure of that. Having healthy habits and keeping them your norm is what is going to keep you slim and healthy!

smooches xx