...to love myself.
...to treat myself gently, with patience and respect.
...to accept responsibility for every aspect of my life.

...to be present, awake, aware.
...to be open to possibility.
...to leap with the intention of landing.
...to do amazing things.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

I can hardly stand myself

Sometimes I get so sick of thinking and writing about food and eating, I can hardly imagine why anyone would want to stop in and see what I have to say. So there you have it.

I have had a weekend of reckless abandon. Since I was off yesterday (while new internet and cable services were installed) I continued my gluttony. At least now post-RNY I can eat only half a ciabatta(SP?) roll instead of 3 whole ones. I found a new crack(er) that Inever should have bought. Three-quarters of the bag later I realize

I had dropped a few pounds last week during my latest protein fast. I know a few came back on. It's all a scale trick. Smoke and mirrors, you know. So I'm going to try not to look again this week. We'll see.


Anonymous said...

How about focusing on the really great person YOU are. Start patting your back instead of beating yourself down. You are an amazing person and you DO have the ability to put that at the forefront of your thoughts.

Melting Mama said...


You're in my head. Just know - I'm there, nearly every.single.day. This is such a head game.

Dagny said...

Are you still seeing your trainer three times a week? That was keeping me so sane and stable. I'm totally lost with my entire exercise foundation disrupted.

Kim said...

Whatever you need, I am here. I know you are going through it, and I am right there with you. It's odd, we have never met, but you are the smiling, laughing woman who can do anything. Even sell bags of hot fat.

Listen-- your head is a bad neighborhood to be in. Let your opinion of yourself be Sassys and your support group until that bad neighborhood gentrifies. Then maybe, maybe, you can move back in.