...to love myself.
...to treat myself gently, with patience and respect.
...to accept responsibility for every aspect of my life.

...to be present, awake, aware.
...to be open to possibility.
...to leap with the intention of landing.
...to do amazing things.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

I should be sleeping

The good news is that I finally got on the treadmill tonight and walked .75 miles in about 20 minutes. The bad news is that I did it at 8 p.m. tonight and now I'm wide awake.

I watched The Biggest Loser from last night and figured if those people could huff and puff and jiggle on national television, I could get off my couch potatoe butt and walk awhile in the privacy of my own home.

I usually do better with music when I'm walking. I have this weird thing where I count to myself as I walk and music keeps me from doing that. Not that counting is bad, it's just goofy. Since my treadmill is close to the computer, I opened up iTunes radio and found a high-energy dance station from Europe and jumped on the machine. I had already walked 7 minutes before I realized I made it past 5 minutes. Plus, I had to walk at a pace that kept up with the beat of the music. So I pushed myself there, too.

By the time I decided to stop, I had gotten my heart rate up to 147 for at least 10 of my 20 minutes of walking. I think that's pretty good, considering I willingly did it and not because of having to walk up 2 flights of stairs.

Of course, right now I'm motivated to do this every day, though I think morning might be better timing for me. Just not this morning (which it is already). I should be waking up in about 5 hours. I just hope I get to sleep before then.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Shrinking! Glad to hear you were exercising. My treadmill is standing in my living room unused... I need to motivate my fat butt to get on it. Also after losing so much weight already I am getting really really flabby... I am glad you did, I need to do this too!!!