...to love myself.
...to treat myself gently, with patience and respect.
...to accept responsibility for every aspect of my life.

...to be present, awake, aware.
...to be open to possibility.
...to leap with the intention of landing.
...to do amazing things.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

The 100th Post

Here it is, my 100th post. That's 4 seasons in TV time. I've lasted longer than "Joey."

Anybody out there that started reading this back in October besides me? I just reread some of those earlier posts. 2 months out-down 55 pounds. I don't think that back then I even could have imagined I'd be 9.5 months out and down 135 pounds. I was excited to be walking into fat girl stores in the mall. Now, I've shrunk out of those clothes and right out of those stores into the normal girl shops.

I was freaking out about food--when I ate, how I ate, what I ate. OK, some things didn't change all that much. At least now I better understand why I eat. When, how and what have become incidental.

I thought about my sloppy clothes, my shrinking boobs, my distorted perception of reality, blah, blah, blah. I suppose you could point the cursor at any month and read the same rant, just a few pounds different in weight.

Although it all sounds eerily the same, I'm a different person. Physically, it's obvious. Here's the first pic I posted of myself on 11/7.

And here's one of me from last week (with my new purple glasses resting on the world's biggest nose)...

Mentally and emotionally, I think I've changed some. I'm more certain of myself. More willing to experience my emotions. More capable of defining myself and defending myself.

My job has changed. My primary relationship has changed. My friendships have morphed, have ended, have been renewed. My responsibilities have expanded and my commitments have shrunk. My sanity has come and gone and has come again.

I have no flippin' clue where I'll be, what I'll be doing, how much I'll weigh for post 200. If anything, I've learned I can't worry about it. I'll get there, God willing. And maybe I'll be better for the wear. If not, I hope I at least have a damn good time along the way.


Dagny said...

Hey you bet I was right there at the beginning! Back when you said your business was "Religion" and your occupation was "Freak."

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your 100th post and on your wonderful weight loss!