...to love myself.
...to treat myself gently, with patience and respect.
...to accept responsibility for every aspect of my life.

...to be present, awake, aware.
...to be open to possibility.
...to leap with the intention of landing.
...to do amazing things.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Just vote NO

A Fair Wisconsin Votes No

I'm debating whether I head to the voting polls before work or after tomorrow. Either way, I'm going. I hardly feel like I can miss this election. In Wisconsin, there's a vote on ammending the constitution regarding marriage and similar status. If you live here, you know it's been a hot topic this fall.

I've been surprised by the number of otherwise "quiet" people I know who tell me they are heading out to vote NO on the ammendment. Relieved, too. It's hard not to feel the hate seeping from the dumbass politicians and the ignorant people who think they have a right to tell anyone else how they should plan their lives.

This past week there was an ad out with KIDS used to push the conservative agenda. Yep, no valid argument. Just cheap tricks. I think it's backfiring though. Most people I've heard talking about it are offended that they'd pull kids into the debate. Almost as despicable as handing a 3-year-old a posterboard of an aborted fetus for an anti-abortion rally.

Who knows if a vote either way will change anything. But I'll be damned if I take a chance and not vote.

But better news for those of us working for RP. For the first time ever, the company's now going to offer domestic partner benefits. Long time coming. Rose's insurance is pretty good on its own. But we're putting her on my insurance now. If for no other reason than that I've been hounding HR since I first interviewed with the company 7-1/2 year ago about offering DP bennies.

And another thing. I love my parents. They've come a long way since I came out to them 15 years ago. My mom actually took the time to vote absentee because she's out of state. And my dad is voting just to vote no.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

World estimations of the number of terminations carried out each year is somewhere between 20 and 88 million.

3,500 per day / 1.3 million per year in America alone.

50% of that 1.3 million claimed failed birth control was to blame.

A further 48% had failed to use any birth control at all.

And 2% had medical reasons.

That means a stagering 98% may have been avoided had an effective birth control been used.

I am a 98% pro-lifer, 2% Pro-choicer, who has no religious convictions at all . I didn't need the fear of god or anything else to come to my decision, just a good sense of what is right and wrong.
You see we were all once a fetus. Is it beyond the realm of possibilities that when your mother first learned she was carrying you, she may have considered her options? What if she had decided to terminate? Would that have been OK?
You would not exist, if you have children they would not exist, and your (husband or wife) would be married to someone else. You would have been deprived of all your experiences and memories. In this day and age with terminations being so readily available and so many being carried out, if you make it to full term you can consider yourself lucky.
Lucky you had a mother that made the choice of life for you.

Don't you think they all deserve the same basic human right, LIFE?

At the point of conception is when life began for you. This was the start of your existence. Your own personal big bang. Three weeks after conception heart started to beat. First brain waves recorded at six weeks after conception. Seen sucking thumb at seven weeks after conception.

Though it pains me to say it but, there may always be a need for the 2% medical reasons and such, but that's all.

So how do we get the other 98% to be responsible...................

How do we get them to be honest with themselves, about when life begins.

Everyone knows life begins at conception, egg+sperm = human being

Sadly many frefer an occasional abortion, over using birth control, they have all kinds of reasons, each of them selfish.

Then there's the christian impossition,(all a bit talibanish), and their men in high places.(church and state should never entwine) their stance against b/c has only added to the numbers.

Sanity must provale, abortions should remain available and safe to the 2% and the rest need to have a good look at themselves and get their act together.

I'd like to see effective birth control made available to all who can't afford it.

I'd also like to see an ultrasound in every clinnic to provide a more informed choice,
before going through with something they may regret.