...to love myself.
...to treat myself gently, with patience and respect.
...to accept responsibility for every aspect of my life.

...to be present, awake, aware.
...to be open to possibility.
...to leap with the intention of landing.
...to do amazing things.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Details, Details.

I won't bore you with the details again. But I did track my food on fitday.com again. And I'm 1346 calories and 93 grams of protein for the day, but I puked up about 60 calories worth of NF, SF frozen strawberry yogurt. (Blue Bunny, the best...except tonight.)

My closest brush with crack was 17 Gensoy soy crisps (consumed in 2 sittings). But I stopped and went no further. I am ending the day with a glass of wine. Why do I feel like I need to say that? Focus, Jen. FOCUS.

My caloric intake for my BMR is a little over 1500. I'm doing well. I should lose. Damnit, I should.


Melting Mama said...

Your simpson scared me.

Good day.

What kind of wine do you sip?

JUST JEN said...

I generally drink white wines, not too dry. I love me a reisling, but of late have been taken by some white wines from France, nameily one from Pouly Fume.

Donna said...

If you'd like to try an inexpensive, yet really good white, try Kim Crawford's Savigon Blanc! Yumm!

As far as the details, I personally think it's great to see the calorie intake. I was worried I was getting more than 1,000 a day. a high day is 1300-1400, but that's with really trying to get good snacks in to fuel my body for training.