...to love myself.
...to treat myself gently, with patience and respect.
...to accept responsibility for every aspect of my life.

...to be present, awake, aware.
...to be open to possibility.
...to leap with the intention of landing.
...to do amazing things.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow?

Yesterday was ok. Food wasn't out of control. I ate well throughout the day with calories coming in just over 1500. A high day. Mostly because I had cheese, which also pushed my fat intake up. But my protein was at 100 gm. Since I also did a 45 minute workout with cardio, I'm not too worried about that calorie count.

This morning I got on the scale and the numbers are coming down. Not where I think they should be, but not as high as they were. I know the scale shouldn't dictate my life. And really, it doesn't. It just works as a jarring reminder that I need to be vigilant.

I admire the people who live without a scale. And I wish I was the kind of person who could just walk away from food. But I can't. I'm obsessed with it now at 170 pounds just like I was at 317. Only now I worry about eating the right kinds of foods in the right amounts instead of which drive-thru I'm going to hit next. And I am still prone to consuming mindlessly, stuffing calories--good or bad--into my mouth without thought, only emotion.

As I move into another year out from my RNY, I worry about becoming a statistic...one of those people who gain back 20% or more of there body weight. I am so uncomfortable in my own skin when I put on even 4 pounds, what would I do with an extra 35 or 40?

And it's not just the WLS statistic that scares me. It's that any diet or eating modification plan is apt to fail. Do I have what it takes, inside of me right now, to be one of those long-term losers? And if I don't, how do I get it?

Seriously, I would do anything NOT to be fatter again. My quality of life has improved a gazillion percent and every incremental loss has made a difference in my health and my mobility. How bad to do I want it? Ihope, I really hope, I want it bad enough.


Donna said...

I can't keep from the scale either, but I am trying to correct it's hold over me. I hate seeing it go up -- or not go down even. In my past, I always let it dictate my disposition. This WLS has been a lesson in letting that go, especially when the honeymoon phase is over. I'm coming up on 9 months - oh shit! 9 months today!

Melting Mama said...

....I never thought it would be life long... the obsession part.