...to love myself.
...to treat myself gently, with patience and respect.
...to accept responsibility for every aspect of my life.

...to be present, awake, aware.
...to be open to possibility.
...to leap with the intention of landing.
...to do amazing things.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Issues, revisited

Long day yesterday. Really long.

I managed to follow a realistic food plan...even when we went out for dinner last night. No sneaking spoonfuls of peanut butter or nibbling on crap during the day. Good amount of protein.

I had a workout session last night. This was the second day in my new plan. I had asked to focus on specific body areas that I want to either prepare for plastic surgery or just build up a bit. Monday was legs. Wednesday was upper body. Every day is a core day. I'm amazed at how much my endurance has improved since the end of May. I can hold the plank position for 45 seconds. I can do a mile on the elliptical in 9 minutes (this coming from the girl who couldn't last more than a minute when I started). I'm liking it.

Thanks Tel for your kind reply to yesterday's post. You are the sweetest thing east of the Mississippi! (Some day I WILL show you my boobs.)


EmilyTheGood said...

I just wanted to pop in for a second and tell you how much I enjoy reading your blog, and how much I admire the strength you have shown during your weight loss journey.

Well played, Jen, well played, indeed.

Candy-O said...

Hi Jen! I had a blast catching up on your blog! You have come such a long way. I am just on the beginning of this journey and it helps a lot to learn from others experiences dealing with this change in life.

BTW, I have been a Taste of Home fan for years. If I send you my copy of "The Cookbook", will you really sign it? :)

Be good to yourself and have a great weekend!!

Donna said...

I've been so far behind, but getting caught up with everyone right now. You will be amazed at what focusing on the core alone does for you! We do core every session. I hate the plank, but it's so good for you! 45 seconds is nothing to spit at either -- you're doing awesome!