...to love myself.
...to treat myself gently, with patience and respect.
...to accept responsibility for every aspect of my life.

...to be present, awake, aware.
...to be open to possibility.
...to leap with the intention of landing.
...to do amazing things.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Snow Day

They say we'll get a bunch of snow today. I'm staying in. In my pajamas. Drinking coffee. Following my meal plan from a couple weeks ago.

My RD pulled out a daily food log from last week at my appt. yesterday and told me to follow it. No planning required. No thought. I'm going to try. All I can do is try.

Yesterday. Not a good day. By any means. My throat is sore today from the purging. I have a sugar hangover from what I couldn't get rid of. I don't want to live another day like Thursday. It's wearing me down.


Anonymous said...

Delurking to tell you that I saw yesterday's post before you removed it and it has been on my mind all day.

I don't even know you, except for what you've written here and I worry about how you're doing each and every day. I can't imagine how hard your struggle is. If I may make a guess as to why some of your readers check your webpage so frequently, I would imagine it is because there is a little bit of the feeling that "there but for the Grace of God go I". I had gastric bypass surgery this past summer and can see how very easily it could contribute to me developing an eating disorder. The readers of your online journal read every word you write to see how YOU are coping. By reading, we share in your struggle.

Hang in there Jen!

Melting Mama said...

I saw that post too, it was sitting in my reader and then it was gone. Keep on keeping on.

We are so living what you're dealing with - but in our own little ways.