...to love myself.
...to treat myself gently, with patience and respect.
...to accept responsibility for every aspect of my life.

...to be present, awake, aware.
...to be open to possibility.
...to leap with the intention of landing.
...to do amazing things.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Why I Love My Blog Readers

Thank you to the anonymous reader who commented on the post below. Thank you for taking the time to write when you didn't have to, for reaching out when I never even knew you were there. You, anonymous friend, made a huge difference in my life today.

The kindness of strangers and support of readers has been a blessing these past few months. Sometimes I just can't reach out to the people I see every day. Sometimes I can't fathom sharing my thoughts and fears with faces I recognize...or who might recognize me. It's a comfort to know that this blog keeps me connected to people, even when I feel no connection in my present world.

I never intended to write this blog for anyone but myself. While I (usually) don't write for an audience, just knowing that there's one on the the other side of the screen keep me processing, posting, plodding ahead.

I've gotten emails from people telling me what a difference I've made to them in their own struggles. But I'm telling you, my anonymous and not so anonymous readers, what a difference you've come to make in my life.

Thanks from the bottom of my heart.


Donna said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Donna said...

I've said it so many times before; reading about your struggles gives me courage to face mine. While I may not have an ED I have my own issues to deal with -- in fact, we all do! I know that for me, I literally think "I wonder how Jen is doing" when I check for updates. I'm always glad to see one, no matter what the subject matter is. to me, maybe the fact that you're blogging about your challenges means you are still connected to your issues and are not giving up yourself. You are so worth ever piece of fight you put forth girl. *hugs*

(I think I was drunk when I left my preceding comment (which I deleted) -- way too many typos... even for me!)

Anonymous said...

Blogging-as-processing -- that's SO what it is for me, too, and it's why I appreciate your blog so much: you provide tangible evidence of someone who's going through her own shit but who refuses to give into the night -- who is, in fact, blogging *against* that night.

Even when you feel as if that's all there is.

What I see in you is a strong flame, like that of a candle, and I bet that's what a lot of folks see.

We'll keep seeing that light for you until you get to a place where you can look into the mirror and into yourself to see it as well.
(Hell, you wouldn't be fighting so hard if you didn't get a glimpse of it now and then yourself -- thank god.)


Anonymous said...

You know the 2 holidays I love and hate the most? Christmas and Valentines Day! They both set us up for failure. Neither day can meet all the expectations we heap on them! I always try to remember that and sometimes it even helps. I love to read your blog, you are so couragous!

Hang in there and God Bless You,

EmilyTheGood said...

Your strength has been an inspiration to me. It takes a lot of courage to post for the often harsh internet scrutiny. I wish I possessed a tenth of your strength.

Keep fighting, Jen. You can beat this. I'm pulling for you.