...to love myself.
...to treat myself gently, with patience and respect.
...to accept responsibility for every aspect of my life.

...to be present, awake, aware.
...to be open to possibility.
...to leap with the intention of landing.
...to do amazing things.

Thursday, June 05, 2008


All my life, I've wanted to be some thing or some one. I've wanted labels, categories. I've needed titles, tags, compartments. I've sought definitions for every single aspect of myself. And I think it all came down to this: if someone slapped a label on me--even if it was one I didn't like or agree with--it took the responsibility off my shoulders to really know and accept for myself who and what I am.

Labels have been easy fall backs. Sister. Daughter. Partner. Manager. Employee. Friend. Strip them all away and what's left? I need to know that. I want to know that. It's not like I'm walking away from those roles. I just don't want to be those things first and foremost. What would it be like if I stepped into those roles first as myself? Only as myself?

All this brings me to this realization: I don't want to work. I don't want to sit behind a desk and manage people. I don't want to be in charge of things that don't contribute to the greater good of the world. Recipes? Sure everyone needs to eat. But half the world can't get clean water and rice. They don't need another recipe for tater tot casserole.

I've been working on my professional website. Ok. So I started my professional website and it has sat untouched for over a month. Maybe that's a sign. I'm not ready. I don't want to start defining myself for or to anyone. Not even for or to myself. Can't I just be?


Anonymous said...

There is a huge difference between labels for what a person is as part of humanity vs labels for what one attempts to be. Without allowing the humanity labels to be part of your being, other labels already affix themselves. An old statement that "no man(person) is an island" is a truism for all of us.

I hope you will see the glory in the labels you have as part of humanity, of which "yourself" is first and foremost.

Please go back to your last post and be reminded how you make a difference just by being you. Accept the label that person gave you, revel in the fact that you are important to many, known and unknown, family, friends, acquaintences and strangers.

Anonymous said...

What anon said. :)

Is there a way to make your living being 'just jen?' If so, get on that.

When you figure it out, tell me the secret. :)

Anonymous said...

If you need a starting point go way back to when you were born , you had no lables, you were a healthy, precious, beautiful, sweet, innocent infant girl which was a joy for all to see , protect, and love. That is who you still are in the eyes of those who know you. Before labels attached themselves, there was just you and only you. We don't need labels to exist or to be someone. It's just nice being and nothing else. An old saying "I am".

Anonymous said...

I read your entire blog today. Yes, I mean the entire thing. I happened to find it doing some research on gastric bypass.

I think you're stronger than you give yourself credit for. You are funny, articulate, and reading your story has really affected me. You are an amazing woman.

I wish you the best.