...to love myself.
...to treat myself gently, with patience and respect.
...to accept responsibility for every aspect of my life.

...to be present, awake, aware.
...to be open to possibility.
...to leap with the intention of landing.
...to do amazing things.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Number Game

I still have that scale in my house...the one I bought when I wasn't eating because of my meds.

The numbers have gone up. I know that the weight I lost to get to the adult low-point was really because of DEHYDRATION and STARVATION from when my meds were screwed up in May/June and I wasn't eating. I know that the weight I've gained is making up for that. And because of the binging that happened as a result of the starvation.

So what about the higher number? I can't say I like it. But I don't hate myself because of it. In fact, I'm pretty much okay with where it is when I think about the big picture. I've not regained any weight from my gastric bypass. I think I probably weigh a few pounds less than I did a year ago. And given the cycles of binging/purging/restricting I've put myself through, that's good. In fact, that's really, really good.

Do I want to weigh less? Hell, YES! Am I going to starve myself to drop the five pounds I think I NEED to lose? No. No, I'm not. Because this latest cycle has really proven to me that what goes down unnaturally will go up inevitably.

I feel the weight difference. But I don't think anyone notices it. In fact, a few people have said I look healthy. (Maybe it's the tan.) I just feel bloated and my shorts feel snug. But I don't really feel like a hippo. I don't really feel like I'm a fat pig. I think I feel...glad.

Glad that I understand better why I do fall into my ED cycles. Glad that I can stop them before they become extreme. Glad that I finally understand the ramifications of each restriction, binge or purge.

I haven't purged in three weeks. I haven't restricted since that drug interaction thingy. I've binged. But in a different way. I stopped. I acknowledged that what I was shoving in my mouth wasn't going to fill the empty space I was trying to ease. I understood that my eating wasn't nutritional, just emotional. And from that point, the decision to binge or not was truly my own.

So although I "binged" yesterday, I didn't eat through all the food I could have. I didn't vomit. I didn't restrict today. I chalked it up to emotional chaos and thanked the heavens for a calmer day today.

The numbers on the scale, I'm sure, aren't going to slide down anytime soon. I'm not 2-months post-op anymore. I think I have the same 5 pounds most middle-aged women have. More importantly though, I don't feel like the number HAS to change in order for me to be happy. I can take it or leave it. Today anyway. And that's a good distance from where I was a year ago.

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