...to love myself.
...to treat myself gently, with patience and respect.
...to accept responsibility for every aspect of my life.

...to be present, awake, aware.
...to be open to possibility.
...to leap with the intention of landing.
...to do amazing things.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Tick Tock, Tick Tock

3:35 PM: I just ate my afternoon snack. My head is telling me more. My pouch is pretty quiet. But I'm not going to do it. I'm not going to eat another thing until the appropriate meal time. God help me. I wish I smoked.

UPDATE: I made it 'til dinner without snitching, sneaking or stuffing food in my face. Unfortunately, I was so excited to see food that I scarfed it down a bit too quickly. Although I didn't puke (yet), I've been belching like satan himself is about to rise from the depths of my gut.

Speaking of belching, I do take pleasure in a weird sort of way when toss out a good one. Since I seem to do so much of it, I guess it could be a twisted kind of positive reinforcement.

Knowing that I'm likely to want to eat again tonight, I've got a game plan to prevent the munchies. First, I'm not going to even walk into the kitchen. There's just no way I can clean up the dishes from dinner. Or empty the dishwasher. Or refill my water bottle myself. The risk is just too great. Second, to eliminate any temptation created by walking through the home, I'm going to park my fat ass in front of the TV set for some quality programming. (I think Supernatural is on tonight). Finally, because I might feel guilty for not excercising--which could make me thirsty and require a trip into the kitchen--I will look through Sunday's newspaper ads to see if anyone has an excercise ball and dvd on sale. Maybe, just maybe, I'll go buy it, too. (Depends if Supernatural really is on or not.)

1 comment:

Kaye Bailey said...

Good job, Violet! Face those demons one day at a time!

Now, as for the belching! LMAO! Let 'er rip, baby!

Have a great day!
