...to love myself.
...to treat myself gently, with patience and respect.
...to accept responsibility for every aspect of my life.

...to be present, awake, aware.
...to be open to possibility.
...to leap with the intention of landing.
...to do amazing things.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Eat Me!

It's my first post-op feast and here's what's on the menu in our house:

  • Turducken
  • Garlic Parmesan Smashed Potatoes
  • Tri-Color Yams
  • Green Bean Casserole
  • Fake Pumpkin Pie
Since I'm eating limited portions this year, I thought I'd try some different things. The Turducken is Rose's idea. She was watching Paula Dean on the Food Network and told me about it. So she called the Milwaukee Public Market and found that they made them up there. Our is small, but it should suffice.

The potatoes are my own recipes. Red potatoes boilded with the skins on, mashed up with a fork, gobs of garlic and some parm thrown in. Maybe a little cream if it needs it.

I don't know what the hell I'm going to do with the sweet potatoes. I just thought it was cool that they came in 3 colors.

Now for the pie, I pulled this recipe off some WLS site somewhere. And it's so-so. It's made with SF pudding and pumpkin. For some reason, you can really taste the fake sweetener. Whatever. I'm going to eat it anyway. Or at least a couple bites of it.

Our friend Dyan is coming over and bringing the GB Casserole. It's a first for us. Having someone over, that is. Usually we visit my parents for TGD, but my dad's in Florida and my mom's going to my brother's in-laws. Tomorrow we'll head up for a need meal at my brother's house.

I had been wondering if I'd feel like I was missing out on something this year when it came to Thanksgiving. But I don't really feel like that now. I'm having more fun, believe it or not, coming up with food combos. If I'm going to eat it, it better be good.

So happy turkey day to all the big girls out there! I'm off to peel some yams! Gobble gobble.


The Catapillar said...

Howdy, I am new to the blog thing and just started mine. I am waiting for insurance approval right now I hope to have rny before the end of the year. Anyway, Have a great holiday

Sandi Hooper said...

I love your blog. Sounds like your Thanksgiving was a success. Keep 'em coming!

Kaye Bailey said...

Sounds like you had a well-planned day! (I can always taste the artificial sweetner, too. A squeeze of lemon usually helps)
