...to love myself.
...to treat myself gently, with patience and respect.
...to accept responsibility for every aspect of my life.

...to be present, awake, aware.
...to be open to possibility.
...to leap with the intention of landing.
...to do amazing things.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Mega Bites

This past week my life has been afflicted by computers and puking.

My internet connection is screwed up. I got a new router a week ago Friday. Worked just fine. Paid money to even get it installed and my network up and running again. But 2 days later, the internet connection stopped. From Sunday to Wednesday, I had o connectivity and several phone calls and visit from inept cable technicians. Finally on Wed. I got my desktop to come back up. Friday I put reconnected the network. Saturday the friggin' thing stopped again.

I am not a computer genius. I can't troubleshoot anything to save my life. But I think I at least know how to get a around a little bit. I need a computer savior. I'm sick of tech support via the phone. I want someone in my house to fix it all and make it better. And then never talk to the again because it won't frickin' break down in another 3 days.

Now for the puking. I've not been doing so good with leftovers. And let me tell you, my fridge is full of them. The first time I have a food, it tastes great and I really enjoy it. The second time, I don't enjoy it, I seem to eat much less, and I get sick. If anyone else has had this problem, I'd like to hear about it. I am trying to make sure I eat slowly, chew well and portion what I eat...But it doesn't seem to happen.

The worst part? If I can't tolerate leftovers, I have to cook every night. That sucks.

1 comment:

Dagny said...

Isn't your iPod screwed up too? This week's boat-load 'o fat girl tunes will still be available for you when it's fixed. If you like them.