...to love myself.
...to treat myself gently, with patience and respect.
...to accept responsibility for every aspect of my life.

...to be present, awake, aware.
...to be open to possibility.
...to leap with the intention of landing.
...to do amazing things.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

40 Years in Sassy Fatty Time

Today's my 5-month WLS anniversary. I started at 317pounds with a BMI of 51. This morning I weighed 224 and my BMI is now 36. That's a total of 93 pounds.

Let's put it into perspective:

An M252 81mm Medium Extended Range Mortar weighs 93 pounds (and has greater lethality than earlier models).

Ume, the National Zoo's 6-year-old male cheetah tips the scale at about 93 pounds. I've lost quite a big hairball, haven't I?

The average 12-year-old girl weighs only a few ounces more than 93 pounds. I weighed somewhere around 160 to 175 when I was 12.

Beluga Caviar fetches as much as $1,100 per pound. My 93 pounds of hot fat on the caviar market, might have brought me $102,300. Yowzer!

On Jupiter, I've gone from 741 pounds to 524. Praise be I'm earth-bound!

So all in all, I think my loss is pretty damn fantastic. Plus, I've dropped clothes sizes like crazy, going from a 32W to 18/20. I never took my beginning measurements, so I can't report on that. I'll post a new before/after picture when I find a camera.


bye said...

Oooooo -- a sassy fatty timeline. I wanna play too.

93 lbs is the equivalent of 372 pounds of butter!

You are so fab! See you Sat!


Anonymous said...

CONGRATS on your 5 mth anniversary! you are almost in the "century club"! cant wait to see the new pics :)

The Catapillar said...

93 lbs is an awesome loss. Keep up the good work!!!