...to love myself.
...to treat myself gently, with patience and respect.
...to accept responsibility for every aspect of my life.

...to be present, awake, aware.
...to be open to possibility.
...to leap with the intention of landing.
...to do amazing things.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

And now for something completely different

There are days that I feel like the ugliest cow in the world. But today wasn't one of them

For the first time in a while, I really, really liked myself. I had little sleep last night and woke up with the same headache I went to bed with. It could have been a crappy day. But I put on a new top and my too big pants--one of just 2 pairs of 18s I have--and headed out to work to face a day of quick turnarounds on a hot project.

Walking into work, I checked myself out in the glass door and realized that the new top looked good on me. Very good. I had on my stylin' new glasses, too. And the combination was like looking at a new face. Seriously.

Cutting through the lunchroom on my way to my office I saw myself in the large windows again. Not too bad. I felt good about myself.

The best part? Other people noticed. Lots of people. At least 6 people commented on how I looked today. Usually I get irritated by that. Not today. They were right. I DID look good. Three of those 6 people said I looked "thin". THIN! No one in my entire life has ever said I look thin. And now I get it 3 times in one day.

The comments were really just the icing on the sugar-free cake. The fact is, I noticed that I looked good. I realized that I AM looking thin. This is a big deal, kids. I don't suck. I'm not a big pig. I'm not a fat cow. Today, I'm a normal looking woman who turns heads because she's confident, secure and attractive--not because she's the biggest thing in the world. Sweet.


bye said...

You look good.

You have cool chunky black shoes and excellent taste in jewelry. You make a bitchin' sugar free marshmellow latte thingy.

You have stylin' & profilin' shades.

You are loved.

AND dayyyyyum woman -- when you are swimming in size 18 pants and well under the two hundo mark, well, aint it just a lovely world we live in?

Anonymous said...

About time you move out into the light and see what the rest of us see! You have hit that turning point when you finally allow yourself to start loving yourself. It's a very cool place and time. Enjoy it and the new fashion!

You Rock!