...to love myself.
...to treat myself gently, with patience and respect.
...to accept responsibility for every aspect of my life.

...to be present, awake, aware.
...to be open to possibility.
...to leap with the intention of landing.
...to do amazing things.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Who's that girl?

Now when people look at my license, they only see the me I am today. It's weird, but I feel like I'm leaving behind a part of my identity. Kind of like wiping out the big Jen and sending her packing. I'm a little sad about that. Afterall, that's who I've been for the past 39 years. I've always been the fat girl. Just not anymore.


Anonymous said...

That's one of the hardest things for me... For so long, I was "the funny fat girl". And now? I'm just ME. I mean, I'm still the same person, but people treat me differently.

And as far as licenses, I stopped speaking to one friend who took it upon herself to share BOTH my licenses with someone else. "I was so proud of your loss". BS... It's MY business and MY choice as to whether or not to share.

I do love reading your blog, btw. I see a lot of the same things I face in your posts.

Michelle said...

You look amazing!! Congrats on your loss...I know it took a lot of hard work.

bye said...

Sister Jen~

You are one sext beotch.


Sister KT

bye said...

OH, and sexY too.

Anonymous said...

Wow - you look like a totally different woman. :-)

Anonymous said...

You can still be the same person - ypu just feel better :)

Jenn said...

Holy cow - you are just gorgeous! It's funny, I just noticed last week I actually weigh what I lied and said I did years ago - 190. I also have RNY-envy! You're cookin' along! Sweet! I love watching you wither.

p.s. i got picked up in the drink line at a pride-related event a few weeks ago. that DID NOT happen to jenn-the-fatso! life is sure different now, no???

Jenn said...

You look so awesome, Jen! I'd never guess from your latest pic you were ever any other way!

Anonymous said...

Just introduced to your blog via melting momma. I'm considering WLS but what induced me to comment is that we have the same birthday, I'm two years younger. Happy Birthday, fellow Bastille baby!

Ellen in KY

Danyele said...

You look fantastic Jen.. Love that long gorgeous neck in your new pic!

Mamato2boys said...

You look fabulous! I can't imagine actually putting an honest number on my license. Never been to a place where I could get over the shame. Oh I can't wait!!!

Happy almost birthday!!!
smooches xx

Anonymous said...

You look friggen awsome.

You know for a long time I did not take anti-depressants because I thought being depressed was so much a part of me that is I was not depressed, I would not exist.

I eventually figured out that who you are changes, and clinging to an image of something that does not exist.

One day I hope to lose as much as you.