...to love myself.
...to treat myself gently, with patience and respect.
...to accept responsibility for every aspect of my life.

...to be present, awake, aware.
...to be open to possibility.
...to leap with the intention of landing.
...to do amazing things.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Call of the wild

The buffet beckoned and I answered.

Actually, my little mentor kid wanted to go to Old Country Buffet and I said ok. I was going to buy my food by the pound, but this particular location didn't offer that option. So I paid full price.

What did I eat? Well, let me tell you...NOT $10.60 worth of food, that's for damn sure!

I had about 3-4 oz of salmon. One-half of a 1-inch brussel sprout. One breaded shrimp. A 1/2" cube of pineapple. And a dollop of whip cream on top of a dime-size bite of pumpkin pie.

I have never, ever in my entire life--going all the way back to the Sweden House buffet in Appleton, WI circa 1975--walked out of a buffet not stuffed and in pain. Until tonight.

I'm not rushing back there. But dang! I ate at pig-out heaven and survived, consuming my appropriately portioned post-op helpings of healthy food. Eating slowly. Savoring the mediocre delicacies. Enjoying the fact that I wasn't the fattest person in the room and that people weren't staring at me in horror because I was waddling up to the trough for helping number three.

Yep. I passed the test.


Lauren C said...

WOOOOO! Way to go! There's something sooooo rewarding about resisting a temptaion that you previously couldn't resisit. You go girl!

SignGurl said...

*doing the happy dance for you!*