...to love myself.
...to treat myself gently, with patience and respect.
...to accept responsibility for every aspect of my life.

...to be present, awake, aware.
...to be open to possibility.
...to leap with the intention of landing.
...to do amazing things.

Thursday, October 19, 2006


A year ago I made my first post to this blog. I thought I'd use it to keep myself honest as I tried to deal with my eating issues and the changes I was going through because of my gastric bypass surgery. I think that for the most part I've done that. And in the spirit of full disclosure, I need to say this now:

I am in freakin' trouble here, kids. In the last two weeks I have fallen off the wagon. I've put more shit in my mouth than I have in ages. As I type this, I am nauseous from the food I just ate. I want to puke. I'm about 2 minutes away from putting my fist down my throat and upchucking.

I don't know what's different. I have been stressed at work. I dug myself into a hole on this project I've been working on. And as the lead editor on it, it's my responsibility to make it work. I've been bringing work home. Going in early. I feel like I have no control over my life. So I guess I'm eating to control what I can.

I've reached this point where it's easier for me to justify getting it under control tomorrow than it is for me to put the effort into it today. I guess I've let it control me. Fucking food. I lie to myself that I'm in control and that's the biggest load of bullshit. Bigger than the pile of food I can stuff into my face.

I feel like a loser. I guess I am because more than a loser, I'm know I'm a quitter.

Don't write to me about nothing tastes as good as thin feels. Thin doesn't feel anything. People do. And I'm feeling like shit. Actually, I'm feeling like a big fat pig wallowing in shit. My own stink. Hose me off. Please. Just hose me off.


Anonymous said...


You and I suffer from the same disorder. I'm on day 4 of my new eating plan and all I want to do is eat the pizza and breadsticks my roommate is currently eating.

And I'm obsessed with when I can go back to my favorite places to eat because I love food and food loves me. And it loves you, too. But it's not the best friend to have. In fact, food is very manipulative and makes us feel good and in control and awesome for a little while, but then we feel guilty and shitty and fat and gross 5 minutes later.

Move on, exercise or get a pedi to unwind instead of eating things, and you'll be OK. Tomorrow is a new day.

Danyele said...

Jen - if food is becoming bigger than you can handle (you know what I mean), maybe consider talking to your surgeon and get a recommendation for a WLS-friendly therapist. You have to make this work.