...to love myself.
...to treat myself gently, with patience and respect.
...to accept responsibility for every aspect of my life.

...to be present, awake, aware.
...to be open to possibility.
...to leap with the intention of landing.
...to do amazing things.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

I luv me them Filet-o-Fish

I realized today as I drove down Bluemound Road and passed the neighborhood McDonald's that was robbed two weeks ago at gunpoint when the store opened at 4:30 a.m. that I miss Filet-o-Fish sandwiches.

Just seeing that scrolling sign screaming 2 for $3 made me drool. I can practically taste the salty tartar sauce and feel the congealed cheese slices stick to the roof of my mouth when I think about them.

It's been two lenten seasons since I last had those piping hot, breaded pollock slabs. I loved the 2/$3 special. I remember jamming the sandwiches in my mouth as I drove so that by the time I got to the next McD's I could buy another couple. I'd could eat six in a day. Okay, not all at once. But two for lunch, plus two for a snack on my way to buy two for dinner.

I suppose I don't miss the grease stains on the front my blouses or the oil streaks on my car's upholstery from oozing sauce and hot splatters. And, I can honestly say, I don't miss the 150+ pounds that resulted from pigfest rampages caused by seasonal sales on fast food.

Don't worry. I'm not going to eat any this year. It's been 19 months since I ate fast food. I even sat in a McDonald's playland for 2 hours on Sunday and never swiped a fry. I want to be able to say, some day, that I haven't eaten at (or from) a McDonald's in five years. I'd rather have the sweetness of that success coming from my tongue than the fat and calories of my beloved Filet-o-Fish on the tip of it.


Dagny said...

Dang girl, you are just ALL OVER IT!!!!!

Melting Mama said...

You just made me gag a little. For me, it was The Mac or Nugglets.

Danyele said...

I just love the way you write.

Wish I could say that I haven't bowed to the Golden Arches since surgery.. I did strip the breading off of a couple of McNuggets once. For the record, the thrill was gone. It was kinda like sex with someone that you've lost respect for, if that makes any sense.

Miss Tiffie said...

Wow. I never get Fast Food by myself but I never pass it up when my friends suggest it. I can't have a bag of fries in front of me without me stealing at LEAST one. What self control. I can't wait to hear you say that you haven't eaten @ MickeyD's in 5 years :)

SignGurl said...

Way to go!!! Abstinence is the best policy.