...to love myself.
...to treat myself gently, with patience and respect.
...to accept responsibility for every aspect of my life.

...to be present, awake, aware.
...to be open to possibility.
...to leap with the intention of landing.
...to do amazing things.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Winter SUX and so do Lucky Charms.

I am not in NYC tonight, have drinks in some trendy hotel bar with my friend. I am in shithole Milwaukee.

Friggin' snow and east coast wusses. Cancel the flights? It sure as hell better be a big snow storm blowing about. And with the cancellations, I still don't have a definite flight plan for Monday when I actually do need to be in the city for a meeting the next day.

On the upside, I have a free weekend to do what I want--and no one is expecting me to do a damn thing. Thinking about some shopping. Maybe a trip north to see the folks. Possibly some closet cleaning. Could do a few new videos for YouTube. (Dang MM. It's all her fault.) Or I could do nothing.

I can tell you I'm not going to eat another Lucky Charm. I think I ate about 2000 calories of crap today. Seriously. My gut is churning from the junk I stuffed into the pouch. I haven't eaten with such abandon in a long, long time. I swear to god, sugar is addicting. I honestly could not stop my brain from thinking about the crap. I had no will power whatsoever. I couldn't even get that flippin' "nothing tastes as good as thin feels" mantra to do its brainwashing thing. Tomorrow, it's protein all day. I have to make sure I stay in the size 12 black jeans I bought this week. Yep, you read that right. SIZE 12! I think that's what I wore in 5th grade--or at least what the tag read on the shorts from Gayle Englebrecht, my mom's friend.

I'm rambling. Whatever. Deal. Snow sux.

1 comment:

Melting Mama said...

Kill The Leprechaun.