...to love myself.
...to treat myself gently, with patience and respect.
...to accept responsibility for every aspect of my life.

...to be present, awake, aware.
...to be open to possibility.
...to leap with the intention of landing.
...to do amazing things.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Getting Fit

I had an appointment with a personal trainer last night. This morning, I am SORE!

I've wanted to implement an excercise program for a while, even tried a health club once. But I can't get over people watching my skin jiggle. I look normal in almost any setting, except in a gym where my gelatinous stomach and rippled arms sway in the breeze of my sweat.

So this place has one trainer for one client in a private suite. I liked the attention. I liked feeling as though I was learning something. I even liked the pulling, tingling, tired feeling in my muscles at the end of the night.

But, dang, it's expensive. $58 a session. Three sessions a week. We're talking big bucks that I know I'm worth...just reluctant to spend.

Do you think it's worth it? I know for a fact that if I sign up for a gym membership, I will not use it. If I sign up for a gym membership and pay for a personal trainer on top of that, I'm still looking at a significant chunk o' change...and no privacy. Oh, and this place even gives youf ree water and bananas. Hot damn.

Should I do it? I want to do it. It's just the money. If anyone wants to send me some money to help make my decision easier, by all means, please do. I'll even give you my home address.

Have you gone the personal trainer route? Did it help? How was it different? TELL ME!


Danyele said...

Wow - that's almost as much as my rent per month. It's definitely worth it if you can afford it though.

Dagny said...

Hey! Tonight's my Personal Trainer night! But mine is just $30 a session because we meet in the health club right here in the building where both of us live.

I believe that exercise is one of those things you can do not quite right and not get the proper benefit. I say do this for maybe three months if you can bite the bullet on the $$$. See what you think. You'll know if it's been worth it. Then see if you might join a gym and go on your own with what what you've learned and see the trainer maybe two to four times a month to be sure you're working correctly and for any new instruction and on-going guidance.

And if I were making the HUGE $$, hell, I'd send ya some cash! Give me a bit more time. I'm workin' on it.

Donna said...

I pay about $55 per session. I think it is soooo totally worth it! Don't worry about building the lean muscle mass. The more LMM you build the more calories get burned and that includes Fat.

I go to 24 Hour Fitness. The more "training packs" you buy, the cheaper the sessions, but even still the cheapest rate is $53. I'm about to shell out $1400 for 28 more sessions.

I think the muscle is important for long-term weight loss success. The simple fact is the more muscle we have, the more calories we burn. Don't worry about "bulking", you won't... unless you take hormones.

What will happen though is your body shape will change. It is amazing the difference, even after just one month!

I see my trainer twice a week and the oter 2 ro 3 days I go on my own, repeating what he's taught me in the previous session.

Like Nike says... "Just do it!"

Good luck!