...to love myself.
...to treat myself gently, with patience and respect.
...to accept responsibility for every aspect of my life.

...to be present, awake, aware.
...to be open to possibility.
...to leap with the intention of landing.
...to do amazing things.

Sunday, May 13, 2007


I added a link below my shameless plug to my Amazon store. Thanks to the loyal fan who bought Everyday Light Meals. Now buy more!

A bigger thanks to Lux, the mystery poster a couple days ago who pointed me to the Physics Diet. It's perfect for my scale-focused maintenance becuase it gives me an excuse to weigh once a day. And I found that I am NOT getting on the scale at other times. That's a big step for me.

My blog redesign is in the works. I have no flippin' clue what I'm doing. And I'm an editor, not a graphic designer. So if anyone wants to make me a cool blog template in exchange for a free plug and link on this site, shout out. In the meantime, everyone's going to have to bear with me as I tinker.

Some people have asked about more videos from me. Well, when I have a reliable camera that doesn't also have a lot of white noise and when that same camera also doens't make me look like shit, I'll make some more. I've got some production notes handy. It will be worth the wait.


Donna said...

I did a google search and found a link to a site that had some tips on modifying templates on Blogspot; that's the only reason I have a third column now! It was pretty easy with the step-by-step instrutions.

I need someone to pimp my blog too!

Amazlilith said...

I think that it is coming along just fine! :) I like the brighter colors.