...to love myself.
...to treat myself gently, with patience and respect.
...to accept responsibility for every aspect of my life.

...to be present, awake, aware.
...to be open to possibility.
...to leap with the intention of landing.
...to do amazing things.

Monday, May 14, 2007

My first motorcyle ride

I just got back from my first motorcycle ride. During lunch, I walked over to the mall (about 1.25 miles) and my friend Cheri drove over on her bike and picked me up as I was walking back.

It was awesome! I feel great from the walk and exhilerated from the short ride. I can't wait to do it again!

Just imagine...me on the back of a bike. Check another goal off my list of thinner must-dos!


Anonymous said...

that must have been amazing. Something the more-plump version of me would never have done and now the mom-version still wouldn't do! But GOOD FOR U!

Michelle said...

I remember as I was gaining that was one of the things I was so self conscious about with my dh....he has since sold the bike but hey I would love to do it again