...to love myself.
...to treat myself gently, with patience and respect.
...to accept responsibility for every aspect of my life.

...to be present, awake, aware.
...to be open to possibility.
...to leap with the intention of landing.
...to do amazing things.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Coming off protein

I broke my protein fast at 6 p.m. with a chopped salad at The Cheesecake Factory. Damn, it was good. But I ate maybe a half cup before I had to stop. Okay, maybe more than that. Although when I was done, you could hardly tell there was a dent in the pile!

Earlier today, I nearly gave birth to an alien through abdominal explosion. I think it was the protein shake I drank at 10:30. I wonder if all the milk in the protein shakes is getting to me. I haven't had this much milk since very early post-op. Eight gas relief tablets and 4 hours later, I could stand up straight. I finally downed some lactose pill and that's probably what finally did the trick.


I'm weighing in tomorrow. I'm thinking I should show at least a 2 pound loss. Hopefully 4. And wouldn't it be fabu if that weight STAYED off? Fingers crossed. Will report in the a.m.


Down 5 pounds. Fantasy or fact? We'll see...next week. Right now, this is the lowest I've been in about 8 months.

I'm easing back into food. Non-milk based protein shake for breakfast. Salad for lunch. Dinner, we'll see. I have a training session at 4:30 and a meeting at 6:30. It might be another protein shake with an apple. I'm trying to approach this like I did after surgery when I got used to eating real food again. And crackers? HELL NO!

1 comment:

Melting Mama said...

Way to drop a hot five lbs there! Congrats! When you're done, send that motivation over.