...to love myself.
...to treat myself gently, with patience and respect.
...to accept responsibility for every aspect of my life.

...to be present, awake, aware.
...to be open to possibility.
...to leap with the intention of landing.
...to do amazing things.

Monday, August 06, 2007

I could be killing myself

And I don't mean to. My brother Mark introduced me to Hard Lemonade from Sand Creek Brewery. It's a fruit beer that is DE-LISH-US. I love the taste, the fizz, the slight buzz. But I've also been having some really bizarre episodes...like the dumping one I wrote about earlier in the month. That happened again this weekend.

So I did a little searching. And while I can't come up with exact nutrition facts for this particular hard lemonade, I did find some for Mike's Hard Lemonade. That has more than 30g of sugar in a 12 ounce bottle. Good god, that could kill me! And I've been drinking two or more bottles!

I have to have my blood work done for my follow up. Not only will it show that I'm still intoxicated, it will probably show that I'm spiking blood sugar. I only hope my A1C is AOK.

I wrote to Sand Creek to see if they'll divulge nutritional info, but I'm not holding my breath. In the meantime, I'm laying off the lemonade liquor. I don't particularly relish the dumping. It just tastes so damn good going down!

I AM killing myself! I got a really quick reply from the general manager and co-owner of Sand Creek Brewing. According to his information and my calculations, each bottle has about 32 grams of sugar carbs. That's more than I consume in most days...all in ONE sitting. No wonder I'm sick to my stomach and out of my mind when I drink two or three. I'm lucky I'm not comatose.

Now, this doesn't change how much I LOVE this drink. And anyone who doesn't have sugar intolerances should DRINK UP. But those of you who do, consume with caution. Sip. Savor. Have a protein shake nearby for when the shakes start.

1 comment:

Amazon Alanna said...

I'm a big fan of Mike's hard lemonade...especially since it comes in light, and cranberry light. 98 calories a bottle!