...to love myself.
...to treat myself gently, with patience and respect.
...to accept responsibility for every aspect of my life.

...to be present, awake, aware.
...to be open to possibility.
...to leap with the intention of landing.
...to do amazing things.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Lab Rat

I saw my surgeon for my 2-year post-op visit. All my labs looked pretty good. My protein indicators were a little low, although I average 80gm of protein a day. And while my calcium was ok, my vitamin D was low. The doc recommended more calcium with Vitamin D...and more sun!

If you're a numbers kind of person, take a look. (I have no idea what all these things are.) If you're a medical professional and you see that I'm dying, please let me know. And if you're pre-op and wondering what a healthy post-op looks like, indulge...

PTH, intact: 44.3 (normal)
Total Vitamin D: 26 (20-100 normal)
Iron: 169 (28-170 normal)
B12: 329 (180-914 normal)
Ferritin: 5 (11-307 normal)

From the comprehensive metabolic panel:
Glucose: 86 (74-99) FASTING
BUN: 11 (8-20)
Creat: .7 (.4-1)
NA: 138 (136-144)
K:3.9 (3.6-5.1)
C1: 104 (99-109)
CO2: 30 (22-32)
Calc: 8.9 (8.9-10.3)
ALKP: 30 (38-126)
T Bili: .6 (.4-2.0)
AST: 31 (15-41)
ALT: 33 (14-54)
Alb: 3.5 (3.5 - 4.8)
TP: 6.2 (6.1-7.9)

Lipid Panel:
Chol: 123 (<200)
Trig: 64 (<150)
HDL:45 (45-80)
LDL-C: 65 (<130)
CHOL/HD: 2.7 (3.2-4.8)

My bone density scan had me on the very bottom of normal, pushing osteopenia. But that could be just as much hereditary as dietary. My mom has had abnormally low bone density, too, and her doctor recommended I start regualr scans at 40--even before I had surgery.

So there you have it. I'm relatively normal after 24 months of forced malabsorption. Last year in the office, I weighed 176.8. This year they weighed me at 172.2...the exact same thing my scale at home weighed. Yes, I know I say it's 169 at the right, but it's my blog and I can lie if I want to.)

Also both the nurse and the doctor confirmed that my pouchy stomach may very well be the result of tightening abdomimal muscles...and that my weight increase of a few pounds is likely from muscle gain. That was a relief.

I'll have to meet with the nutritionist next week to work on the calcium and to make sure that I'm in in a way to maximize my protein absorption. Other than that, it's on to the plastic surgeon's office with one year of weight-loss maintenance under my shrinking belt.

1 comment:

Melting Mama said...

You have no iron stores. Do you take supplemental iron? And, I hear you on that 169 thing. I'm 164-169 at home - and doesn't it suck that I am 170 at the doctors? Hiss.