...to love myself.
...to treat myself gently, with patience and respect.
...to accept responsibility for every aspect of my life.

...to be present, awake, aware.
...to be open to possibility.
...to leap with the intention of landing.
...to do amazing things.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Because it's almost 2 a.m.

I can say...
I really dislike Carrie Underwood.
I wish I could quit my day job.
I secretly wish I could sleep with Sean Connery.
I want to eat a whole box of Kraft Mac n Cheese with extra butter, salt and pepper.
I'd rather be sleeping, but not.
I sometimes want to slice off my skin. Really.
I was a really fucked up adolescent.
I don't know if I could ever show my nekkid boobs in public. Even when they get fixed.
I took pictures of my "tube socks" for Tel...and some day they'll show up in her mailbox.
I'd rather drink wine than beer.
I like to cry.
I hate Windows Vista. Shitty.
I'm drinking wine by myself.
I cry at parades, but I kind of like to.
I wish I could do this ONE thing that I know I shouldn't do, but it would change my life if I could. And then I might be happy(er). But I would be a C*NT of the highest degree. And go to hell. If there is such a thing.
I have regrets that I can't share with anyone.
I sometimes wish I had a penis.
I want another tattoo...even though the last one looks like FrankenKitty.
I like to wallow in sadness.
I have the hiccups RIGHT NOW. And they hurt.
I can vomit without making noise.
I don't really know that there's a god. And most days I don't care.
I have a secret.
I don't know my ass from my elbow. Again...most days.
I forgive. But I never forget.
I like cold ravioli from a can.
I used to cut myself.
I never.
I hate heavy metal music.
I am lost. And I don't have a GPS.
I wish I could meet Dixie Carter.
I have had my poetry published.
I don't keep a checkbook registry.
I STILL have the hiccups.
I ran out of wine.
I probably should go to bed.
I think I'm a failure.
I am afraid.
I like to watch Jack Van Impe.
I won't ever tell my secret. In this blog.
I I I.


Melting Mama said...

Woman, you had a good night, didja? I like reading these raw posts. They are very close to home. *sigh* BTW, I can't blog on wine, I get too raw. Are you feeling better?

Carrie Underwood looks like a Barbie to me. I didn't like her from the first moment I saw her on American Idol. But, her rendition of I'll Stand By You makes me tear up, if I forget The Barbie is singing it.

JUST JEN said...

OMG, that rendition of I'll Stand By You makes me want to toss my ill-gotten cookies!