...to love myself.
...to treat myself gently, with patience and respect.
...to accept responsibility for every aspect of my life.

...to be present, awake, aware.
...to be open to possibility.
...to leap with the intention of landing.
...to do amazing things.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

First Plastic Surgery Consult

I did it. On Thursday. I stripped naked and posed my flabby skin for a plastic surgeon. I felt really detached from the whole point and click episode, maybe because my goal is to get rid of the parts I think ugly, not convince someone that I'm thinner than I really am.

Lessons learned:

1.) I'm looking at multiple procedures, anyway you slice and dice it.

2.) Plastic surgeons are egotistical and don't want to talk about their infallibility. (I know, broad statement. So tell me why I shouldn't make it.)

3.) Just because everyone else likes a surgeon, doesn't mean I will.

I'm looking to have my apron skin removed, the wads of skin taken off from the sides of my chest area, my breasts reconstructed (not filled) and my upper arms trimmed. In that order of importance to me.

I've taken way too good of care of my skin breakdowns and rashes. So much so that I've never had to see a doctor for a specific occurrence...and I hope that doesn't work against me when it comes to insurance approval. I'm sure it will.

I didn't really feel 100% comfortable with this first doctor. I'm planning on seeing other before making a final decision. I need to be confident that the surgeon I see is going to be as proactive in treating any follow-up issues as he or she is in getting me under the knife. The infections, wound breakdown, necrosis...that's what scares me the most. I need to be completely certain that the surgeon I have is committed to aftercare perfection. Proactive. Not willing to push me off to a PCP.

I'm glad I had this first appointment. Time to get out the list of other surgeons in the area. And start taking pictures of the pannus. Ugh.


Candy-O said...

Good for you! I'm so proud of you taking any step to get the layers pared down to the real you! At 41, I can already see that my skin is not bouncing back as it has all the other times I have lost weight, so I will be very interested in following your PS.

I hope you find another surgeon that you feel confidence in - maybe he/she won't be warm and fuzzy, but you want an artist who knows how to deal with massive weight loss and how to revise your skin!!! Best Wishes!!!

The Blabber Mouth said...

woohoo! One step closer my friend. I agree with you, finding the right doctors who are willing to support you is muy importante. Good luck with the insurance end of the stick...if it doesn't work out...there's aways TJ....

i'm just sayin.

JUST JEN said...

I found surgeons by asking other WLS patients in the Milwaukee area, then checking the PS listings on Obesity Help. Finally, I referred to the doctor locator tool on my insurance website. I probably should have started with that one first.