...to love myself.
...to treat myself gently, with patience and respect.
...to accept responsibility for every aspect of my life.

...to be present, awake, aware.
...to be open to possibility.
...to leap with the intention of landing.
...to do amazing things.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Fitness Check-Up

I had a 6-month fitness assessment withmy trainer on Saturday. The results were pretty encouraging.

My overall fitness, ranked from 1 to 100, an average of my performance versus the generanl population (of I don't know what), went from 38 on 5/9 to a 62.

My blood pressue is down. My resting heart rate dropped from 71 bpm to 63 bpm. My submax bench press weight incread from 29 pounds to 54 pounds. My submax leg press went from 180 pounds to 287 pounds. Sit-reach hip flexion measurement stayed the same.

I lost 1.88 inches in my chest, 4 inches in waist and .88 inches in my hips. My thighs increased 1.62 inches, my calves increased 1 inch. But my arms and fore arms were down slightly.

Now for the weight. I was 160 on 5/9. On Saturday, I was 176. They tell me that I increased my lean muscle weight. (Still trying to get my head around this because all I see if a higher weight.) On 5/9, they said I had 130 pounds of lean weight and 39 pounds of fat weight. The report says that I now have 138 pounds of lean weight and 38 pounds of fat weight. I think this is figured on those pinch test things..which do NOT work in my abdominal region.

So that's it. I guess I'm healthier. It doesn't make sense to me. They say my waist measures smaller, but NONE of my clothes seem to fit right or look decent on me. I can't get past the higher scale number. I want it LOWER.

But my legs are totally ripped. That's a good thing. If I could only prance around in biker shorts and a garbage bag top.


Donna said...

I think it's a matter of changing focus. I fight this battle all the time, and beat myself over it... especially when I see other post-ops who have lost way more weight in the same amount of time.

What you are doing (keeping/building lean muscle mass) is what is going to help you in the long run.

For me, if I think of the surgery in terms of getting healthy for life and that getting skinny is just a side effect it helps... Okay, it only helps a little. :( But if I ever figure out how to re-program my brain so that the the number on the scale doesn't freak me out, I'll clue you in. Until then, know you're not the only one feeling that way!

Kudos to you on your progress... seriously, that is a lot to be proud of!

Dagny said...

That measurement of your fitness, however that works, sounds GREAT. Sticking with this will help you so much in the long-term. You haven't let this go and that's a critical success. Seriously.
Go ahead, wear those shorts!

Anonymous said...

You've taken more steps to longterm health and improvement in the last 5 months than most people, even those without a weight battle, take in a LIFETIME. Recognize your efforts and glory in your reults!