...to love myself.
...to treat myself gently, with patience and respect.
...to accept responsibility for every aspect of my life.

...to be present, awake, aware.
...to be open to possibility.
...to leap with the intention of landing.
...to do amazing things.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Who am I?

I have been listening to Eckhart Tolle read A New Earth. I loved listening to The Power of Now. This has been a good extension of that.

Yesterday I heard him say that we best define ourselves by who we are NOT versus who we are.

I find that a hard concept to wrap my head around. I have always defined myself by the roles I have assumed in my life. But as those roles and responsibilities change--either because of my choosing or because of circumstances brought about by the choices of others--I realize that I do want to change this perspective. I just have a hard time saying what I am NOT because my logic wants me to then add a "but" and the opposite of that NOT as an I AM. Follow?

So I thought I'd start a list. I first wanted to say that I AM NOT AFRAID. But I am. I AM NOT FAT...a judgement call and not one that someone in my position should be making. I AM NOT ALONE. This I can believe. This is TRUE. No matter how lonely I might feel, I know I am not alone. So if I am not alone, does that mean I'm loved? Ah...the sticking point. I don't know that for a fact. But I think I can deduce with some sort of confidence that if I am not alone, then I must at least be approachable on some level and that could also make me both likable and, dare I say, lovable.

The problem with this whole concept is that my black and white thinking quickly pushes any definition to one end of the spectrum or another. In fact, my thinking dictates there be a definition. Why not just be ok with I AM. Maybe I need to think in terms of I AM HERE. I AM NOW. I AM...fill in the blank with given facts, not judgements or emotions.

What do I know for certain about myself? I AM ABLE TO CHOOSE. I AM ABLE TO EMOTE. I AM ABLE TO BREATHE. For today, that's enough. It's a lot more than I've been able to do on some not so distant days in my life.

For today, it's not what or who I am or am not. It's simply I AM.


Donna said...

I am absolutely loving A New Earth. It has already had a huge impact on my perception and thinking. Good for you!

michael munson said...

Thanks for posting about A New Earth. I had forgotten that it had been released and now have it on my iPod, ready for tomorrow's walk.

I enjoyed The Power of Now, too, and am eager to listen to his new work!

Sarah said...

I have it on my MP3 player as well but have the real version of The Power of Now.

Trying to step away from our ego seems like such an easy message to take on. In reality EVERYTHING we do and think is reliant on that very ego and if we don't have control of it then IT WILL CONTROL US.

Tricky :)

Angela said...

I'm loving this book also, and it has raised so many questions in my mind. I too suffer from black and white thinking, so his concepts confound me at times, but I'm getting there!
I'm enjoying your blog:)
Take care,